
Block Statue of Hor, Son of Ankhkhonsu

Block Statue of Hor, Son of Ankhkhonsu

This block statue belonged to a person called Hor, who was a priest of Montu. It was consecrated to him in the domain of Karnak by his grandson, also called Hor. The dedication of this statue in the temple ensured that Hor would stay forever near the god of the temple and receive a part...

Statue of King Amenemhat III as Hapi

Statue of Amenemhat III as Hapi

This double statue of Amenemhat III as Hapi, the Nile god, was discovered at Tanis, capital of the 21st Dynasty Kings, however, the two male figures are clearly portraits of the 12th Dynasty king Amenemhat III. They are carved with perfect symmetry, offering fish, birds, and aquatic plants. Both wear heavy wigs with large braids,...

Jewelry of King Tutankhamun

Jewelry of Tutankhamun

This is part of a large cache of jewelry found by Howard Carter in the Tomb of Tutankhamun (KV62). It was discovered with many other pieces of jewelry in a box inlaid with ebony and ivory. Top center: Pectoral in the form of a winged scarab. JE 61886 Bottom center: Lid of an inlaid gold...

Head of Emperor Severus Alexander

Head of Emperor Severus Alexander

This Roman-style sculpted head is a portrait of Emperor Marcus Aurelius Alexander Severus. He has a short beard and short hair that is carved in vertical lines. He has inset eyes and a fleshy mouth. The neck on this statue is most likely not the original one. The statue is polished except for the hair....

Seated Statue of Senusret I

Seated Statue of Senusret I

This statue is one of ten, made out of white limestone, depicting King Senusret I seated on his throne wearing the nemes headdress decorated with the uraeus or rearing cobra. The statues differ slightly from one another and bear the harmonious features of a young man with a serene expression.  The most remarkable thing about...

Model folding stool with top imitating leopard skin

Tutankhamun folding stool imitating leopard skin

Many examples of this stool have been found, two in the tomb of Tutankhamun with fragments of leather seats still adhering to their upper crossbars. Though this object looks like a folding stool, its elements are fixed. Actual portable furniture saw use during hunts and military campaigns. The seat has painted and inlaid decoration to...

Pectoral of Princess Sithathor

The frame of this pectoral of Princess Sithathor is topped by a cavetto cornice. Below, at the center of the piece, is a cartouche of Senusret II, surmounted by the hieroglyphic symbol for gods. On either side of the cartouche is a hawk, each wearing the Double Crown of Upper and Lower Egypt, and standing...

Statue of Nespaqashuty, son of Nespamedou. Egyptian Museum, Cairo. JE 36665

Statue of the scribe Nespaqashuty, Son of Nespamedou

In this well modeled and polished statue, the vizier Nespaqashuty is depicted as a scribe. He is seated with crossed legs on the pedestal, but with neither a roll of papyrus nor a pen. He is wearing a shoulder length striped wig and a short kilt with a broad belt. His face has a slim,...

Block Statue of Senenmut and Neferure

Block Statue of Senenmut and Neferure

This block statue or cube statue shows Senenmut with the features of a young man: full cheeks in a smooth round face, wide-open eyes with long lashes executed in relief, large ears, and a small, straight, full mouth. As Senenmut was her tutor, the princess’ head emerges from his mantle. An indication of her position...

Group Statue of Ramesses III with Horus and Seth

Statue of Ramesses III with Horus and Seth

The group statue represents King Ramesses III, the god Horus and the god Seth. The three statues are standing and are all approximately the same height. The statue of the king is between the other two, which are represented in profile. The King is wearing the white Hedjet crown of Upper Egypt with the royal...