
Tutankhamun Pectoral with the Sky Goddess Nut

Tutankhamun Pectoral with the Sky Goddess Nut

This pectoral was found in the chapel of Anubis within the Tomb of Tutankhamun (KV62); it shows the goddess Nut in human form with her wings and arms outstretched, protecting the cartouches of Tutankhamun. Below her wings can be seen eight rows of hieroglyphs, again related to protection by the gods. The pectoral is surmounted...

Her-weben-khet drinks from the water before the god geb as a crocodile. Book of the Dead of Her-weben-khet. Egyptian Museum, Cairo. SR 19325

Book of the Dead of Her-weben-khet

Her-weben-khet also known as Herytubekhet or Heruben, the Chantress of Amun, was daughter of Isetemkheb D, wife of the High Priest of Amun, Pinedjem II, and granddaughter of the High Priest of Amun, Menkheperra. This papyrus is intended to be a part of her own abbreviated version of the Book of the Dead. It contains...

Statue of King Khafre Enthroned

Khafre Enthroned

The sculpture shows king Khafre enthroned, wearing the royal headdress, known as the nemes, and a false beard, both of which were symbols of kingship in ancient Egypt. It is is considered one of the iconic masterpieces of ancient Egyptian art. Immensely famous ever since its discovery and is known for its exceptional craftsmanship and...

Osiris Canopus Jar

Osiris Canopic Jar

A Canopic jar with the head of Osiris emerging from it. In the cult of Isis and Serapis, during the Ptolemaic and Roman periods. Osiris Canopus jars (also known Osiris-Hydreios) were carried by priests during processions. As they are solid, each symbolically carried water from the Nile, fertility that originated from the god Osiris, one...

Scarab Bracelet of Tutankhamun

Scarab Bracelet of Tutankhamun

The scarab bracelet of Tutankhamun is considered a masterpiece of ancient Egyptian jewelry. The rigid gold bracelet is composed of two semicircles joined together by a hinge on one side and a clasp on the other. The central plaque bears a cloisonné scarab inlaid with lapis lazuli. The scarab, symbol of the morning sun, rebirth...

Statue of Ramesses I as a Scribe

This statue of Paramessu, who later became King Ramesses I, shows him in the classic pose of a seated scribe. Statues of this type are intended to depict a great man of letters, not just a mere scribe. He was the founder of the 19th Dynasty, father of King Seti I and grand father of...

Stele of dedicated to Amun-Re by Baki

Stele of dedicated to Amun-Re by Baki

This round-topped stele of the foreman Baki is carved in low relief and painted in several colors. The pictorial plane is divided into two registers, the upper one containing two rams facing each other. The animals, with cobras rising on their foreheads, wear tall headdresses composed of two tall plumes with a solar disk at...

Sphinx of Hatshepsut

Hatshepsut as a Sphinx

The reconstructed sections of the sphinx of Hatshepsut have been cast from an almost identical, but more complete companion piece now in Cairo. The two small limestone sphinxes may have been on either side of the entrance to the upper terrace of Hatshepsut’s mortuary temple at Deir el-Bahari. The head of this sphinx differs markedly...

Gold Bowl of General Wendjebauendjed

Gold Bowl of Wendjebauendjed

This golden bowl with rosette in center from the reign of King Psusennes I of the 21st Dynasty, is inscribed with the name of Wendjebauendjed, who was an army general of that period. The artifact is decorated in the center with a cloisonné, polychrome glass paste flower from which 23 grooves radiate. It is thought...

The journey of the sun god Re. Detail in the inner coffin of Nespawershefyt. Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge. E.1.1822 

The Journey of the Sun God Re

The scene shows the journey of the sun god Re, in his falcon form, seated in his shrine. On the prow, we see the god Hor-nedj-it-ef, Horus the avenger of his father, harpooning the evil snake Apep or Apophis, symbol of chaos and destruction. By the end of the barque, we see the steer holder...