
Flying Falcon Amulet of King Amenemope

Flying Falcon Amulet of Amenemope

The falcon amulet of King Amenemope is represented stretching its wings and grasping the Shen sign to which two plaques bearing the cartouches of the king are attached. The solid gold head is turned to the left. Other parts of the hawk such as the beak, the eyes, the back of the neck, and the...

Senet Game of Tutankhamun

The senet game board of Tutankhamun rests on a stand with animal-shaped legs attached to sledge runners. The stand and sledge are made of ebony. The top and bottom surfaces of the board are veneered with ivory and divided into compartments by raised strips. The game board has a drawer used as storage for the...

Throne of Princess Sitamun

Throne of Princess Sitamun

The wooden throne of Princess Sitamun is an example of the subtlety and elegance of Egyptian woodwork in the 18th Dynasty. The throne is made from red wood, covered in parts by a 4 mm thick veneer of red wood. The legs are shaped like lion’s paws. These paws sit atop high bases which are...

Bracelet of Plain and Striped Rings of King Psusennes I

Bracelet of Plain and Striped Rings of Psusennes I

This plain bracelet is of unusual, delicate and simple design. It was found on the mummy of King Psusennes I. Among the jewelry found in Tanis, there were varieties of designs, mostly comprising stone scarabs and inlays of semiprecious stones and glass. The bracelet is in two parts of seven tubes connected by a hinge...

Gazelle Mummy

This gazelle mummy was probably raised at a temple specifically for the purpose of being mummified and used as a burial offering. Archaeologists have uncovered cemeteries containing millions of animal mummies. They weren’t pets—they were raised in large quantities to be mummified, then sold as religious offerings. Most Egyptian gods were associated with animals, and...

Isis Amulet with Chain of General Wendjebauendjed

Isis Amulet pendant with Chain of Wendjebauendjed

This amulet pendant of General Wendjebauendjed is in the shape of a standing figure of Isis. She is shown here as a woman with two horns over her head flanking the solar disk. The goddess Isis is wearing a tripartite wig with a protective uraeus, or rearing cobra, on the forehead. She is wearing a...

Tutankhamun Couch representing Ammit

This strange combination couch of Tutankhamun represents the dreadful Ammit, the monster who waits during the final judgment in the court of Osiris and who devours the unjust deceased. Three ritual funerary couches were found in the antechamber of Tutankhamun. They are made of stuccoed gilded wood in the form of sacred animals whose eyes...

Stele of Amenemhat and his family

This rectangular stele made out of painted limestone shows Amenemhat with his wife, son, and daughter. All the figures are shown seated except his daughter. She stands before an offering table heaped with different kinds of offerings.  The son is depicted seated between his mother and father. Beneath the seated lady, there is a basket containing...

Amuletic disk (Hypocephalus)

Amuletic disk (Hypocephalus)

The term hypocephalus refers to a piece of Late Period and Ptolemaic funerary equipment. It is specifically an amuletic disc made of cartonnage, bronze, textile, or rarely from papyrus and even wood, emulating a solar disc. It was made for Tasheritenkhonsu. Linen and plaster, inscribed in ink. It dates to the Late Period, 26th Dynasty,...

Two Dog Palette

The Two Dog Palette

The both sides of the two dog palette are carved in low relief with scenes depicting the frenzy o an animal hunt. The imagery includes real animals, such as the pair of Cape hunting dogs that frame the top (from which the palette takes its name). They dogs are shown alongside mythical creatures, including felines...