
Standing Figure of the God Anubis

Standing Figure of the God Anubis

The jackal-headed god Anubis figure is depicted striding on a high pedestal decorated with a palace facade. The deity is wearing a kilt and a vest decorated with a feather motif. He is adorned with a broad collar and bracelets as well as armlets on his upper arms. His two hands are extended slightly forward. The...

Senet Board Game of Tutankhamun

Senet Game Board of Tutankhamun

King Tutankhamun was buried with no fewer than five senet game boxes. Senet was an ancient Egyptian board game popular with all classes. Archaeological evidence reveals that senet was played by both royalty (as demonstrated by this elaborate ivory set) and commoners (crude boards scratched in rock). The course of the game was thought to...

Bracelet of Queen Ahhotep I

Bracelet of Queen Ahhotep I

This bracelet of Queen Ahhotep I is formed with two semicircles. Gold and lapis-lazuli were used to create its beautiful two-color decoration. The right semicircle depicts Geb, the god of earth, wearing the double crown and seated on the throne. His hands rest on a sign of protection that is on the shoulder and arm...

Inlaid Gold Bracelet of King Psusennes I

Inlaid Gold Bracelet of Psusennes I

This inlaid gold bracelet was found on the right arm of King Psusennes I’s mummy, although it is inscribed on the inside with the word “Iabet” meaning “east” or “left”. The burial chamber of Psusennes I, third king of the 21st Dynasty, contained many pieces of jewelry, among which were two identical bracelets. The bracelet...

Alabaster Boat of Tutankhamun

Alabaster Boat of Tutankhamun

This alabaster boat is supported by a square pool-shaped foundation. It is regarded one of the most magnificent artefacts in King Tutankhamun’s collection. It was discovered in the annexe of his tomb. The purpose of this artefact is unclear, although it was either an unguent bottle or a perfume holder, or it was most likely...

Gold Inlaid Pectoral of Queen Ahhotep I

Gold Inlaid Pectoral of Queen Ahhotep I

This inlaid pectoral of Queen Ahhotep I is in the shape of a shrine. Its base is decorated with wavy lines in reference to the primeval water. It is protected by two falcons. In the center of a boat, King Ahmose I is shown with the gods Re and Amun. The two gods are pouring...

Mummy of Queen Ahmose-Meritamun

Mummy of Queen Ahmose-Meritamun

The mummy of Queen Ahmose-Meritamun was buried in tomb (TT358) in Deir el-Bahari in two cedar wood coffins and a cartonnage outer case, which is now damaged. Cartonnage is linen or papyrus held together by glue and molded into coffins. The tomb, in antiquity, had been robbed and apparently the mummy was plundered. Nevertheless, during...

Sandals of Tutankhamun

Sandals of Tutankhamun

King Tutankhamun would symbolically trample on his enemies when he wore his sandals. This unique sandals are also adorned on the top and bottom by the nine bows, symbols of the traditional enemies of Egypt. This pair of sandals is made of leather and has depictions of enemies on the soles. Four human figures portraying...

Golden Flies of Queen Ahhotep I

Necklace of Ahhotep with Golden Flies

Necklace of Queen Ahhotep I, or Iah (“peace of the moon”) with golden flies. The fly symbolized tenacity, this ceremonial necklace given as award for valor in battle. This necklace, with three pendants in the form of flies, was given to queen Ahhotep by her two sons Kamose and Ahmose in gratitude for her supportive...

Golden Head of the God Osiris

Gold Head Amulet of Osiris

Amulet showing the head of the god Osiris, on his head he wears the White Hedjet Crown of Upper Egypt on which the uraeus stands out. The cult and images of the god have undergone profound changes over time. For example, Osiris, lord of the underworld, is also included in the solar cycle: it is...