
Bronze Figure of a Woman

Measuring at 34.5cm, this bronze (copper alloy) figure of a woman dates from around 1069-664 B.C., putting it among the Third Intermediate Period. The figure depicts an unknown woman with a slender physique and a cropped wig of layered style. Based upon the stride of her legs and supposed material between, we can presume she...

Royal Scribe Méniou

This fragmentary limestone bust depicts the Royal Scribe, Méniou. Traces of pigment remain of black upon the wig, eyes and brows, giving this fragmentary piece a striking appearance, despite its disfigurement. Méniou wears an elaborate usekh collar and pleated linen tunic, indicating his status in society. His wig is shoulder-length and finely detailed with intricate...

Outer coffin of Butehamun

Outer coffin of Butehamun

The outer coffin of Butehamun shows stylistic features that are still typical for the Ramesside Period (1292-1076 BC), but the growing space devoted to images is a feature of the new “yellow coffin” style. The image repertoire is expanded, combining typical New Kingdom elements with Third Intermediate Period Theological creations. Butehamun’s set of coffins, probably...

Face of Amenhotep II

Face of Amenhotep II

The faces on most statues of Amenhotep II differ slightly from those of his two immediate predecessors. Compared with the sculpture of Thutmose III or Hatshepsut exhibited nearby, for example, this statue’s face is a little longer, the eyes somewhat narrower, the brows a bit straighter, the nose slightly thicker, and the mouth less curved....

Statuette of a Woman

Made from the wood from a sycamore fig tree, this painted statuette of a woman dates from the 18th Dynasty, c. 1427-1353 B.C. The woman depicted wears a beautiful linen white gown that is sleeveless on one side. This style of fashion was seemingly popular among the elite and royalty of the time, as we...

Bust of a Priest

This limestone bust depicts a priest in a cream-coloured tunic, and is believed to date from the Ptolemaic Period, 130-30 B.C. The facial details are sublimely realistic and show an older man with deep frown lines, a downturned mouth and almond eyes. The collar bone protruding and the jowls of the jawline and loosened skin...

Diorite Priest of Amun

This diorite statue of a Priest of Amun dates from the Late Period’s 30th Dynasty. The priest wears an Old Kingdom style wig, carved in the Late Period fashion. His body is polished to a smooth texture, and his facial features are typical of the Late Period and Ptolemaic age. Upon the back pillar of...

The Mummy’s Curse

This mummy board was inspiration for various mythological tales associated with misfortune in the early 20th century. This included being the cause of death of British writer and journalist, Bertram Fletcher Robinson, and even the sinking of the Titanic; After the tragic sinking, stories persisted that this ‘mummy’ was on board the ill-fated ship and...

Yellow Jasper head of a Queen

“The parts that are not there, the loss, give it even more power.”– Barry X Ball, American sculptor. The Artist Project, 2016. This fragmentary head of a queen dates from the Amarna period, and it likely depicts king Akhenaten’s mother Queen Tiye, however this is not certified, and it could in fact be a daughter...

Painter’s Palette

This painter’s palette was carved from a single piece of ivory. Six oval wells contain cakes of pigments including blue, green, brown (?), yellow, red, and black. The oval cartouche at one end encircles the throne name of Amenhotep III, Neb-Ma’at-Re, and the epithet “beloved of Re.” This could mean the palette belonged to an...