
Stelа of the Royal Scribe Ipy

Stela of the Royal Scribe Ipy

This stela of Ipy, who held the titles “fan-bearer on the right hand [of the king]”, “royal scribe”, and “great overseer of the royal household”, carries a depiction of its owner making offering to Anubis, the embalmer deity, who is seated at the offering table. The introduction of this subject is an extremely important characteristic...

The Libyan Palette

The Libyan Palette

The Libyan palette also known as Tehenu palette is the surviving lower portion of a stone cosmetic palette bearing carved decoration and hieroglyphic writing. It dates from the Naqada III or Protodynastic Period of Egypt (c. 3200 to 3000 BC). It was found at Abydos. The palette is decorated with intricate carvings and is believed...

Predynastic breccia frog

Predynastic breccia frog

Breccia cosmetic-vessel, theriomorphic, representing a frog, eyes originally inlaid, pierced lug handles and everted rim. These vessels were commonly used in ancient Egypt during the Predynastic period, which refers to the time before the establishment of the 1st Dynasty. These vessels were made from breccia, a type of rock composed of fragments of different minerals...

Wooden mummy mask of a woman with scarab

Wooden mummy mask of a woman with scarab

Fragment of coffin or board with face, part of headdress. Female coffin, probably. Gessoed surface intact and painted. Scarab beetle above forehead on painted feathered headdress. Purchased by J. Hirshhorn by the Delacorte Gallery, New York, in 1959.

Prince Thutmose grinding grain

Prince Thutmose grinding grain

This graywicke figurine showcases the crown prince Thutmose, son of Amenhotep III & his Great Royal Wife, Tiye, grinding grain. The figure dates from around 1390 -1352 B.C., during the reign of his father Amenhotep III. Prince Thutmose served as a priest of Ptah in ancient Memphis. His full royal titles were “Crown Prince, Overseer...

Striding girl labelled with the name, “Tama”.

This wooden statuette of a young woman or girl called Tama, dates from the 18th Dynasty and was discovered at Medinet Gurob. Gurob, also known as Ghurab, Medinet Gurob or Kom Medinet Gurob is an archaeological site in Egypt, close to the Faiyum. In the New Kingdom it was the place of a palace and...

Coffin of Besenmut, Priest of Montu at Thebes. British Museum. EA22940

Besenmut, Priest of Montu at Thebes

This is the anthropoid wooden coffin of a man called Besenmut, who was a Priest of Montu at the Theban Temple. Dating from the 26th Dynasty, c. 664-525 B.C. also known as the Sais Dynasty or Saite Period, which was the last true Native Egyptian ruling Dynasty of the Ancient Egyptian empire before the later conquests of the Persian and Greeks, which eventually led to the collapse of Ancient Egypt under Roman rule.

Egyptian rock crystal hippopotamus amulet

Egyptian rock crystal hippopotamus amulet

The face of this unique rock crystal hippopotamus amulet is carved with naturalistic features, the heavily proportioned body surmounted by an integral suspension loop with a modern gold wire added. It was used as a protective charm or symbol in ancient Egyptian culture.

Head of Tutankhamun or Ankhesenamun

Head of Tutankhamun or Ankhesenamun

This plaster face, dating from the reign of Akhenaten or shortly after his reign ended, is thought to represent a child of the king. The British Museum, where this face resides, has the face archived, identifying it with the likeness of either Tutankhamun or his sister-wife Ankhesenamun. Ankhesenamun, was one of the six daughters of...

Coffin of Takhebkhenem, Lady of the House, daughter of Pedikhons

Coffin of Takhebkhenem, Lady of the House, daughter of Pedikhons

This coffin, belonging to a woman called Takhebkhenem, is made of wood, with polychrome painted decoration. The British Museum notes that, “the vignettes, which are executed in a very conservative style, show the deceased carrying a sistrum before Osiris, her mummy on a bier, and a strange hawk-headed kneeling figure, described as Osiris, there is...