
Unknown couple statuette

Unknown couple statuette

This seated double statuette, made from painted limestone, is 28cm tall and depicts an Ancient Egyptian couple dating from the middle of the 18th Dynasty. Unfortunately, the piece is uninscribed, despite the sides having “scalloped motifs, edged on two sides with a decorative border of rectangles.” The piece is in typical Ancient Egyptian fashion, showcasing...

Head of Amenhotep I

Head of Amenhotep I

This head of the 18th Dynasty king Amenhotep I was discovered within the remnants of the Temple of Mentuhotep II at Deir el-Bahari (Forecourt, MMA excavations, 1921–22). Amenhotep I contributed multiple restorative building works to the Temple of Mentuhotep, which was originally developed by king Mentuhotep II in the early Middle Kingdom period. Amenhotep I...

Bust of Cleopatra VII

This marble portrait of Cleopatra VII was discovered at Via Appia, between Ariccia and Genzano and was likely on display in a private villa south of Rome.The bust dates from approximately 40-30 B.C., and was made during the queen’s lifetime. Cleopatra VII is seen wearing the broad royal diadem of her Ptolemaic lineage, and her...

Kneeling Statue of Osorkon III

Kneeling Statue of Osorkon III

The statue depicting king Osorkon III kneeling and pushing a barque of Seker, red color on headdress and kilt, possibly an undercoat for gilding, now lost. Osorkon III ruled during the 8th century BC as part of the 23rd Dynasty. He was known for his military campaigns and efforts to restore stability to the kingdom...

gold medallion of Caracalla

Gold medallion of Caracalla

This gold medallion of the Roman Emperor Caracalla, was found in Abu Qir, Egypt, and dates from, c. 215-243 A.D. It is one of 20 medallions found within a hoard in Abu Qir, Egypt. One of the medallion’s is marked with “Olympic Games of the year 274”, which could mean that these were medallions given...

Book of the Dead of Qenna

Within this Papyrus, a unique place called the House of Hearts is mentioned,”You will enter the house of hearts, the place which is full of hearts. You will take the one that is yours and put it in its place, without your hand being hindered. Your foot will not be stopped from walking. You will...

Blue glazed ushabti of Seti I

Blue glazed ushabti of Seti I

This head of a ushabti represents king Seti I of Ancient Egypt’s 19th Dynasty, c. 1294-1279 B.C and was discovered within the king’s tomb. The head measures at 5.77cm tall and 7.75cm wide. A composition of blue glaze, this head of Seti I showcases the king wearing the Ancient Egyptian “nemes” stripped royal headdress. The...

Plaster face of an elder

Plaster face of an elder

This plaster face of an elderly face was discovered in Tell el-Amarna, the location of king Akhenaten’s experimental capital city of Akhetaten. Within this city was discovered a workshop belonging to the “king’s favourite” sculptor, a man by the name of Thutmose. It was of the remnants of this workshop where the world-famous, objectively breathtaking...

Inlay of a princess

Inlay face of a princess, possibly Meritaten, made from opaque turquoise-blue glassNew Kingdom, 18th Dynasty, c. 1351–1334 B.C.Tel el-Amarna.British Museum. EA54264 Meritaten, also spelled Merytaten, Meritaton or Meryetaten (Ancient Egyptian: mrii.t-itn), was an ancient Egyptian royal woman of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt. Her name means “She who is beloved of Aten“; Aten being the...

Isis of Coptos

This statue known as, “Isis of Coptos” is a granodiorite statue of the goddess Isis or Hathor thought to have discovered within the Temple of Min.Coptos is the Greek name for Qift, a city in the Qena Governorate of Egypt about 43 km north of Luxor. In Ancient Egyptian it would have been named “Gbtyw”....